
Given the dependence of the tourism sector on natural, historical and cultural resources, it has become our policy to protect these resources while enhancing the benefits to our employees and local communities. In line with this principle, Dinler Hotels manages all processes of our hotel based on the concepts of sustainable tourism, sustainable development and environmental protection.

  • To contribute to continuous improvement with action plans by creating environmental risks and targets,
  • To communicate with all relevant parties and share information when necessary,
  • To support the environmental activities of public and private organisations and to participate in environmental activities,
  • To protect natural resources and use them in the most efficient way,
  • To prevent the factors that cause pollution of nature and to reduce the carbon footprint,
  • To keep potential environmental impacts under control from the design phase to the end of the life cycle; to minimise damages,
  • Reducing wastes at source as much as possible in order to prevent pollution or recovering them by taking them under control,
  • Using environmentally friendly products by adopting the concept of life cycle,
  • To make efforts to ensure sustainability in the supply chain and to be able to implement fair trade practices,
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  • Minimising the CO2 emission of delivery vehicles by selecting as close as possible in the procurement process and minimising the emission to be released to nature,
  • Support the conservation of local or international biodiversity,
  • To ensure that all kinds of waste generated as a result of the activities carried out in our hotel are separated, collected, temporarily stored, recycled, transported, disposed of and controlled after disposal,
  • To ensure all kinds of monitoring, measurement, analysis and control in order to minimise the environmental impacts resulting from our activities and to prevent environmental pollution,
  • To act according to the Regulation on Environmental Noise Assessment and Management,
  • To reduce the energy consumed as much as possible by using energy efficient machinery and equipment,
  • To increase environmental responsibility awareness by providing visual and practical training on the environment to all our employees in our facility,
  • To carry out trainings with all our employees in order to continuously increase our personal development, skills, experience and knowledge,
  • Full compliance with all laws regulating human rights and labour life,
  • To pay utmost attention to ensuring equal opportunities in recruitment processes, improving working standards, and to follow a fair and transparent recruitment policy,
  • To ensure the employment of all individuals who have the education, experience and competencies required by the position they will work in, as well as personality traits compatible with our corporate culture and values, in all positions, including management, without discrimination due to age, race, gender, religion, disability, socio-economic status, etc,
  • To provide equal, standardised and safe working conditions for all our employees,
  • To create a healthy and safe working and living environment for all our employees, subcontractors and guests,
  • To identify the hazards and risks that our employees may be exposed to in advance and to prevent possible occupational accidents and occupational diseases,
  • Collect employee feedback to improve their well-being at work,
  • To ensure that our personnel establish a harmonious relationship with the local people,
  • To support foundations, associations and unions established in the name of regional development and to cooperate in all possible processes; to support the requests and activities of Non-Governmental Organisations,
  • To take care to take part in Social Responsibility Projects,
  • To develop social projects that will contribute to the social and economic development of the society and local stakeholders, local employment and to create opportunities for co-operation,
  • To protect and respect the historical and cultural differences in the geography of activity,
  • To endeavour to carry cultural heritage to future generations by strengthening it,
  • Adapting the right digital transformation processes to the business by analysing environmentally friendly results in order to spread sustainable, flexible, transparent, fast business processes and increase efficiency,
  • Sürdürülebilir gelişime katkı sağlayacak yenilikçi teknolojilerin kullanılması ve geliştirilmesine olanak sağlamayı,
  • Encourage our guests to discover the destination's history, culture, traditions and local products and services offered in conjunction with our local community,
  • Outside the facility, guide local people on how to behave responsibly with regard to flora and fauna,
  • To support stakeholder participation in decision-making processes by taking into account the wishes and expectations of stakeholders,
  • To make the sustainability perspective a corporate culture and to raise awareness in this area among both employees and stakeholders,
  • Measuring and evaluating the economic, environmental and social impacts of all activities and taking improvement actions to minimise negative impacts.

  • For sustainability information, please click here.
  • For the sustainability certificate please click here.

The address of those seeking perfection; we offer comfort, luxury and elegance with a modern touch.

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